Wednesday, March 18, 2015


This past Saturday our hive of bees arrived! They have been flying around in our trees as if they've done it forever! Joshua still has to feed them, but soon they will be living off of nectar and will be independent of us!Their hive is towards the back of our property, but they are usually found buzzing around our plum trees to the side of the house! Along with our bees, we received a new dog named Patches! He is about 6 years old and was raised on a farm, so he is used to all of the chickens around. So far, we have only had one little mishap. The day we got him he pulled out of his collar and ran away. Today (Wednesday), Erin went outside to go check on the chicks and he comes padding out of the woods! Jennifer and Erin spent some time with him outside for a while, and Erin walked him around for a bit. Hopefully he will stick around this time. Another cool update is that the chicks have now moved into the outside coop with the other chickens! The chicks and bunnies were moved out of the garage and are now in the filled in pool area. The bunnies are still in the new cage that Joshua made, but they get to enjoy the fresh air of outside. Joshua has kept the chicks in the coop by blocking off the entrance, but they will be out and about soon! Here are the pictures!




 That's all for today! Be checking for another update! 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

1 Hop, 2 Hop, 7 Hops!

As of a couple weeks ago, our farm welcomed seven new bunnies! We got them when they were about seven weeks old, so now they are around nine weeks old. These bunnies will be used for their meat and to breed so we have more bunnies. 
 Rabbits can usually start breeding around four or five months, and a female rabbit can usually have one to fourteen bunnies in a litter, so hopefully we will have some cute baby bunnies soon! Here are some pictures of the cuteness! 
This is the brand new cage that Joshua built. 
This bunny wasn't cooperating with the picture taking process:( He is a fluffy black bunny with some gray streaks. 
This bunny is a fluffy gray with dark gray streaks. 
This bunny is a VERY fluffy bunny. He's a dark gray. 
This bunny is not very sure that he should be out of his cage. He's a dark gray with white paws and some white on his ears. 
This bunny is one of our more perky ones :P. He's a very pretty black color. 
If there was one bunny that we would say was the fluffiest, it would definitely be this one! He's a light gray/white color. 
 This bunny is one of our rather scared bunnies. He gave Erin a very hard time while taking these pictures. 
 Now as you noticed I said that all of these bunnies were male. Not the case. We just haven't figured out the gender of each bunny yet. We should probably figure that out soon. 
 That's all for this blog post! Be on the lookout for our next one! 

Sweet things! These baby bunnies are the cutest. We still have three that are surviving. We lost yet another litter but this time the mother...