Monday, July 27, 2015

Sweet things! These baby bunnies are the cutest. We still have three that are surviving. We lost yet another litter but this time the mother (or father) ate their own. It's morbid and sad but that's what happens in a defective, fallen world. Life is a precious thing. We should treasure it more.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

One way to get the chores done when there's a toddler around is to give him the one that is the most fun! Since Samuel (3 yo) is my early riser, he gets to help this morning. 
I don't know how many there are yet, but we have bunny babies! The last litter didn't make it. We are hoping these little guys grow up happy and healthy so they can fill our freezer :)
And we can't have chores without an occasional catastrophe. Thankfully the boys are getting bigger and the emotional breakdowns are getting shorter. 

Sweet things! These baby bunnies are the cutest. We still have three that are surviving. We lost yet another litter but this time the mother...